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Management Is a People-growing Machine culture effective communication management mindset Aug 12, 2022

We don’t enter marriage perfect or finished.

Marriage therapist, David Schnarch coined the phrase, “Marriage is a people-growing machine” in the 1990s, pointing to his beliefs that:

  • If the relationship is working, it must begin to confront the individuals in the relationship
  • ...
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4 Steps To Un-fuzzy Your Focus attention effectiveness productivity Aug 12, 2022


Most of us would probably say we could focus better on our work. We have busy lives, a multitude of issues, challenges, decisions, and interactions on our minds at any given moment. Life is more complicated than it was a decade, three decades, five decades ago,...

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Focus Self-assessment: Where Is Your Real Struggle? Aug 12, 2022

In my last post, I shared this framework (illustration below) to illustrate that focus isn’t binary. It isn’t good/bad, on/off, poor/strong, at least not that simply stated.

You could be – and likely are – stronger in some of these facets of focus, and more...

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4 Ways To Shift Focus Between “Drift” and “Flow” brain focus productivity Aug 12, 2022

In my last blog, I shared several big ideas about focus:

  • There are four aspects to corralling and sustaining focus:

  • It’s likely that one or two of the aspects above is a bigger challenge for you than the others (click) HERE for a quick self-assessment to help you pinpoint...
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You Asked For It! The Best Brain-friendly Foods brain nutrition brain-friendly food productivity workplaces Aug 12, 2022

In talking with organizations and individuals about what behaviors and practices make for a “brain-friendlier” workplace, I include the importance of quality self-care.

What does self-care include?  In my view, to enable us to be the best we can be physically, cognitively, and...

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Mindset Reminder From Daddy Duck mindset perspective Aug 12, 2022


It was an ordinary trip to our local Costco (aka “LargeLand”) and I was on autopilot. I was sneaking in the trip before picking my kids up from their daycamp in order to avoid (I’ll admit it) the whining and pleading for anything at or below their at eye...

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Who (or what) is the REAL problem? Aug 12, 2022
Have you heard this? Have you said it?
[Joe] has an attitude problem.
[Joe] is not creative.
[Joe] doesn’t look for ways to improve processes
[Joe] did not communicate well
[Joe] was unmotivated
What about the systems in this organization enabled...
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Chillin’ in the Culture of Love customer service training Aug 12, 2022

What do you see in this picture? A teenager mindlessly surfing the web on a summer afternoon? Think again.

This is my oldest daughter, nearly 17 years old, doing the required online training for her new (and first) part-time job for a well-known coffee shop. I watch her in fascination, because:

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Management and Leadership Training Don’t Work Aug 12, 2022

Let’s tackle a common myth head on, shall we?

The myth is: that management and leadership training work. 

For many managers and leaders, leadership training often conjures up images of bad role play activities, easy-peasy 5-step guides to doing everything better, and techniques so...

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Why People Act the Way They Do behavior conflict personality teamwork Aug 12, 2022
Behavior is not random. We don’t get up in the morning and fire off this random, nonsensical series of purposeless behavior that comes out of nowhere. All behavior is driven by the need to meet a core need.



We all have a core set of needs that we’re trying to...
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Have you experienced or observed ‘Work Hurts’? Aug 12, 2022

The statistics are compelling:

-over 70% of employees are disengaged

-close to 10% of U.S. adults have experienced depression at least once

-over 31% of U.S. adults experience an anxiety disorder at least once

-over 19% of adults suffer as a target of workplace bullying

-another 19% of adults...

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How is COVID-19 threatening our human needs? Aug 12, 2022
It’s hard to catch a breath between breaking news updates about coronavirus, and it seems the pace and urgency of the messages increases daily.  I don’t intend to gratuitously add to the flood of information, but I do want to offer a perspective that may be helpful to you in...
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