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7 TIPS FOR ā€œDO SOMETHING!ā€ WORKFORCE PLANNING change cross-training knowledge capture learning measuring organizational culture personality recognition workforce planning workplace Feb 05, 2023

It’s like flossing twice per day or changing your vehicle’s oil every 3,000 miles.

It’s like thanking your spouse for taking care of a mundane chore.

Workforce planning is one of those activities that we know we should do, take seriously and acknowledge the strong business case...

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Want More Innovation? change culture learning organizational culture training workplace Aug 24, 2022

Innovation is not – contrary to the list of ‘skills’ on some performance review forms – a skill that one can turn off and on at will or read about and BE better at. Though creativity is a large piece of innovation, piloting and actual implementation and evaluation of...

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Bit Oā€™ Brain Science Is Huge Help for Managers brain coaching culture habit leadership learning neuroscience organizational culture social connection training trust workplace Aug 24, 2022

Tomorrow, I have the fantastic opportunity to talk with 300+ IT folks about every manager’s favorite topic, “performance management.” Yawn?? Not this talk . . . tomorrow, I will be showing this management group how knowing a little bit of brain science can help them:

  • get the...
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H2H Is In; B2B and B2B Are out brain change culture morale organizational culture social connection workforce planning workplace Aug 24, 2022

Bryan Kramer is a Social Business Strategist and CEO of PureMattera social media and marketing firm in Silicon Valley (and one of the fastest growing companies in that area). Bryan is also the world’s43rd most talked about marketer, a Global Top CEO Influencer on Social Media, and...

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Social Connection, Social Pain in the Workplace brain coaching culture emotional regulation feedback neuroscience organizational culture parenting self-care social connection workplace Aug 24, 2022

Earlier today, the Twin Cities NeuroLeadership Institute Local Interest Group met as we do quarterly. The group is usually a mix of psychologists, organization development consultants, coaches, and managers. Today, our learning focused on a particular person – Dr. Matt Lieberman,...

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The Value of a People Strategy (Especially for You, Startups) culture leadership learning organizational culture training workforce planning workplace Aug 24, 2022


You have an idea, a spark that drives you to pursue bringing that idea to fruition. What’s the very next thing you’re likely turning over in your mind, oh entrepreneur? The design of benefit packages that you could offer your future employees? Doubtful. The most logical and...

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Do Doctors or Dentists Face Unique Leadership Challenges? change coaching culture female gender leadership morale organizational culture social connection training workforce planning workplace Aug 12, 2022

I spoke with a group of residents in a large university prosthodontics program recently about the challenges of managing and leading organizations today. Some of their concerns as potential future practice owners were the very same concerns a leader of any organization might have, including:

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Put Accountability in Its Proper Place! culture morale organizational culture social connection trust workplace Aug 12, 2022

A client hired me to help shift her organizational culture from one rife with fear, threat, competition, and cynicism to one of respect, trust, and faith in leadership. Over the past year, this organization has built a campaign around “accountability” alongside a large-scale process...

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Does Your Recognition Program ā€˜Recognizeā€™ or ā€˜Appreciateā€™? culture measuring morale organizational culture performance recognition workplace Aug 12, 2022

I recently visited a client who is working diligently through an organization-wide performance improvement initiative which required that a set of focused workgroups be established and maintained over the life of the initiative.

These groups are intended to:

  • serve as a communication vehicle for...
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What Is A ā€œReal Conversationā€ In Your Workplace? culture morale organizational culture Aug 12, 2022

In visiting with various organizations, I often mention that “brain-friendly” workplaces are those where ‘real conversations’ are reported to occur. Most often, when I share this point, heads nod and eyebrows are either raised or furrowed, indicating that the idea...

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Clarify Goals, Roles, & Relationships For Team Effectiveness effective communication effectiveness management team organizational culture Aug 12, 2022


Determining HOW to assess how effective your team or workgroup is, is an important first step! Whether you are forming a new group or are simply interested in evaluating an existing team’s current level of health and strength, the 3-legged stool...

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Joe Isnā€™t The Problem ā€” The System Is The Problem effective communication management team organizational culture systems Aug 12, 2022

I have a short and sweet story to share with you that I have wanted to share for far too long. It is not a tale of heroing adventure, of conquering great adversity, nor of the loving kindness of another human, per se. But it could fundamentally improve your ability to find and address the right...

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