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Bit O’ Brain Science Is Huge Help for Managers brain coaching culture habit leadership learning neuroscience organizational culture social connection training trust workplace Aug 24, 2022

Tomorrow, I have the fantastic opportunity to talk with 300+ IT folks about every manager’s favorite topic, “performance management.” Yawn?? Not this talk . . . tomorrow, I will be showing this management group how knowing a little bit of brain science can help them:

  • get the...
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Social Connection, Social Pain in the Workplace brain coaching culture emotional regulation feedback neuroscience organizational culture parenting self-care social connection workplace Aug 24, 2022

Earlier today, the Twin Cities NeuroLeadership Institute Local Interest Group met as we do quarterly. The group is usually a mix of psychologists, organization development consultants, coaches, and managers. Today, our learning focused on a particular person – Dr. Matt Lieberman,...

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How to Build Employee Development Plans That Work! coaching culture feedback intention learning mentoring mind social connection training value workplace Aug 24, 2022

How & When to Do Development Planning

In an ideal work world, managers and leaders create STRATEGIC PLANS, from those strategic plans flow the ANNUAL WORK PLANS, and from the annual work plans (group or unit level), flow INDIVIDUAL WORK PLANS.

Then, based on the work an...

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Do Doctors or Dentists Face Unique Leadership Challenges? change coaching culture female gender leadership morale organizational culture social connection training workforce planning workplace Aug 12, 2022

I spoke with a group of residents in a large university prosthodontics program recently about the challenges of managing and leading organizations today. Some of their concerns as potential future practice owners were the very same concerns a leader of any organization might have, including:

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Does Feedback Do More Harm than Good? change coaching feedback insights mentoring mind plasticity training trust workplace Aug 12, 2022

Is “no news, good news” in the boss-employee relationship? Research shows that receiving no feedback is actually far worse from the employee’s perspective than receiving negative feedback! The rationale? Receiving negative feedback may carry a critical message,but...

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