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Thought You Knew Your Amygdala? Read This! brain emotional regulation fear happiness learning mind neuroscience self-care Aug 24, 2022

“Psychologists who wanted to study emotion had to pick one, and fear is the easiest to study in a human or animal. It’s difficult to know how to make a rabbit happy. It’s easier to know how to make organisms afraid.”

Here is a fast-paced, almost funny interview unpacking...

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How to Overcome Rejection brain depression emotional regulation fear health and wellness mind positivity self-care social connection workplace Aug 24, 2022
I am passing along a blog post from a colleague, Therese Borchard, who offers useful, plainspoken and heartfelt advice about our emotions and how they can get in our way.  

Emotional First Aid: 4 Steps to Overcome Rejection

by Therese Borchard

In his book “Emotional...

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Bit Oโ€™ Brain Science Is Huge Help for Managers brain coaching culture habit leadership learning neuroscience organizational culture social connection training trust workplace Aug 24, 2022

Tomorrow, I have the fantastic opportunity to talk with 300+ IT folks about every manager’s favorite topic, “performance management.” Yawn?? Not this talk . . . tomorrow, I will be showing this management group how knowing a little bit of brain science can help them:

  • get the...
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H2H Is In; B2B and B2B Are out brain change culture morale organizational culture social connection workforce planning workplace Aug 24, 2022

Bryan Kramer is a Social Business Strategist and CEO of PureMattera social media and marketing firm in Silicon Valley (and one of the fastest growing companies in that area). Bryan is also the world’s43rd most talked about marketer, a Global Top CEO Influencer on Social Media, and...

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Social Connection, Social Pain in the Workplace brain coaching culture emotional regulation feedback neuroscience organizational culture parenting self-care social connection workplace Aug 24, 2022

Earlier today, the Twin Cities NeuroLeadership Institute Local Interest Group met as we do quarterly. The group is usually a mix of psychologists, organization development consultants, coaches, and managers. Today, our learning focused on a particular person – Dr. Matt Lieberman,...

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Poor Word Choice Triggers Anxiety brain emotional regulation fear mind neuroscience training Aug 12, 2022


Talking with my close friend Kathy recently, I asked about her April family vacation to the Caribbean, especially in light of the fact that she has a strong fear of flying and this was a long flight each way! Both flights were direct, meaning that...

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4 Ways To Shift Focus Between โ€œDriftโ€ and โ€œFlowโ€ brain focus productivity Aug 12, 2022

In my last blog, I shared several big ideas about focus:

  • There are four aspects to corralling and sustaining focus:

  • It’s likely that one or two of the aspects above is a bigger challenge for you than the others (click) HERE for a quick self-assessment to help you pinpoint...
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