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Thought You Knew Your Amygdala? Read This! brain emotional regulation fear happiness learning mind neuroscience self-care Aug 24, 2022

“Psychologists who wanted to study emotion had to pick one, and fear is the easiest to study in a human or animal. It’s difficult to know how to make a rabbit happy. It’s easier to know how to make organisms afraid.”

Here is a fast-paced, almost funny interview unpacking...

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How to Overcome Rejection brain depression emotional regulation fear health and wellness mind positivity self-care social connection workplace Aug 24, 2022
I am passing along a blog post from a colleague, Therese Borchard, who offers useful, plainspoken and heartfelt advice about our emotions and how they can get in our way.  

Emotional First Aid: 4 Steps to Overcome Rejection

by Therese Borchard

In his book “Emotional...

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Social Connection, Social Pain in the Workplace brain coaching culture emotional regulation feedback neuroscience organizational culture parenting self-care social connection workplace Aug 24, 2022

Earlier today, the Twin Cities NeuroLeadership Institute Local Interest Group met as we do quarterly. The group is usually a mix of psychologists, organization development consultants, coaches, and managers. Today, our learning focused on a particular person – Dr. Matt Lieberman,...

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Arianna Huffington Told Me to Sleep My Way to the Top health and wellness mind mindfulness self-care workplace Aug 12, 2022

Truth be told, it was not a private conversation. She told more than 9,000 attendees of the American Society of Training and Development just that, at the annual international conference last week in Washington, DC.

The Missing Third Leg in the Definition of Success

Fresh on the heels of the...

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Try This One On For Size ā€¦There Are No Difficult People effective communication self-care Aug 12, 2022

Chances are good that you’re here, reading this post, because the title stirred something inside of you. You may be curious about a perspective that could help you feel better about some of your challenging work relationships. Or you may strongly disagree with me already, and are here to...

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