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Want More Innovation? change culture learning organizational culture training workplace Aug 24, 2022

Innovation is not – contrary to the list of ‘skills’ on some performance review forms – a skill that one can turn off and on at will or read about and BE better at. Though creativity is a large piece of innovation, piloting and actual implementation and evaluation of...

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Best Uses of Personality Assessments: Are They Valuable? change social connection training Aug 24, 2022

You’ve heard of them, most likely . . . many of us took the [then] “Strong Interest Inventory” as juniors or seniors in high school. It gave us job families that might suit us well. Also widely used is the “Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)”, given to many college...

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Bit Oā€™ Brain Science Is Huge Help for Managers brain coaching culture habit leadership learning neuroscience organizational culture social connection training trust workplace Aug 24, 2022

Tomorrow, I have the fantastic opportunity to talk with 300+ IT folks about every manager’s favorite topic, “performance management.” Yawn?? Not this talk . . . tomorrow, I will be showing this management group how knowing a little bit of brain science can help them:

  • get the...
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The Value of a People Strategy (Especially for You, Startups) culture leadership learning organizational culture training workforce planning workplace Aug 24, 2022


You have an idea, a spark that drives you to pursue bringing that idea to fruition. What’s the very next thing you’re likely turning over in your mind, oh entrepreneur? The design of benefit packages that you could offer your future employees? Doubtful. The most logical and...

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How to Build Employee Development Plans That Work! coaching culture feedback intention learning mentoring mind social connection training value workplace Aug 24, 2022

How & When to Do Development Planning

In an ideal work world, managers and leaders create STRATEGIC PLANS, from those strategic plans flow the ANNUAL WORK PLANS, and from the annual work plans (group or unit level), flow INDIVIDUAL WORK PLANS.

Then, based on the work an...

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Do Doctors or Dentists Face Unique Leadership Challenges? change coaching culture female gender leadership morale organizational culture social connection training workforce planning workplace Aug 12, 2022

I spoke with a group of residents in a large university prosthodontics program recently about the challenges of managing and leading organizations today. Some of their concerns as potential future practice owners were the very same concerns a leader of any organization might have, including:

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Poor Word Choice Triggers Anxiety brain emotional regulation fear mind neuroscience training Aug 12, 2022


Talking with my close friend Kathy recently, I asked about her April family vacation to the Caribbean, especially in light of the fact that she has a strong fear of flying and this was a long flight each way! Both flights were direct, meaning that...

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Does Feedback Do More Harm than Good? change coaching feedback insights mentoring mind plasticity training trust workplace Aug 12, 2022

Is “no news, good news” in the boss-employee relationship? Research shows that receiving no feedback is actually far worse from the employee’s perspective than receiving negative feedback! The rationale? Receiving negative feedback may carry a critical message,but...

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5 Reasons You Donā€™t Need to Learn Another Time Management Tool culture learning professional development skills training workplace Aug 12, 2022
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Chillinā€™ in the Culture of Love customer service training Aug 12, 2022

What do you see in this picture? A teenager mindlessly surfing the web on a summer afternoon? Think again.

This is my oldest daughter, nearly 17 years old, doing the required online training for her new (and first) part-time job for a well-known coffee shop. I watch her in fascination, because:

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