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On The Blog

4 Steps To Un-fuzzy Your Focus attention effectiveness productivity Aug 12, 2022


Most of us would probably say we could focus better on our work. We have busy lives, a multitude of issues, challenges, decisions, and interactions on our minds at any given moment. Life is more complicated than it was a decade, three decades, five decades ago,...

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4 Ways To Shift Focus Between โ€œDriftโ€ and โ€œFlowโ€ brain focus productivity Aug 12, 2022

In my last blog, I shared several big ideas about focus:

  • There are four aspects to corralling and sustaining focus:

  • It’s likely that one or two of the aspects above is a bigger challenge for you than the others (click) HERE for a quick self-assessment to help you pinpoint...
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You Asked For It! The Best Brain-friendly Foods brain nutrition brain-friendly food productivity workplaces Aug 12, 2022

In talking with organizations and individuals about what behaviors and practices make for a “brain-friendlier” workplace, I include the importance of quality self-care.

What does self-care include?  In my view, to enable us to be the best we can be physically, cognitively, and...

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