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7 TIPS FOR β€œDO SOMETHING!” WORKFORCE PLANNING change cross-training knowledge capture learning measuring organizational culture personality recognition workforce planning workplace Feb 05, 2023

It’s like flossing twice per day or changing your vehicle’s oil every 3,000 miles.

It’s like thanking your spouse for taking care of a mundane chore.

Workforce planning is one of those activities that we know we should do, take seriously and acknowledge the strong business case...

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β€œIT’S THE OWNER WHO’S BLOCKING GROWTH . . . ,” THEY SAID. change culture leadership management team owner style workforce planning workplace Feb 03, 2023

Twice in the very recent past, I sat down with members of management teams at very different types of organizations sharing one common denominator: the member of the management team (and, as was reported, the rest of the team as well) felt motivated by the prospect of identifying business goals,...

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Want More Innovation? change culture learning organizational culture training workplace Aug 24, 2022

Innovation is not – contrary to the list of ‘skills’ on some performance review forms – a skill that one can turn off and on at will or read about and BE better at. Though creativity is a large piece of innovation, piloting and actual implementation and evaluation of...

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Best Uses of Personality Assessments: Are They Valuable? change social connection training Aug 24, 2022

You’ve heard of them, most likely . . . many of us took the [then] “Strong Interest Inventory” as juniors or seniors in high school. It gave us job families that might suit us well. Also widely used is the “Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)”, given to many college...

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H2H Is In; B2B and B2B Are out brain change culture morale organizational culture social connection workforce planning workplace Aug 24, 2022

Bryan Kramer is a Social Business Strategist and CEO of PureMattera social media and marketing firm in Silicon Valley (and one of the fastest growing companies in that area). Bryan is also the world’s43rd most talked about marketer, a Global Top CEO Influencer on Social Media, and...

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Do Doctors or Dentists Face Unique Leadership Challenges? change coaching culture female gender leadership morale organizational culture social connection training workforce planning workplace Aug 12, 2022

I spoke with a group of residents in a large university prosthodontics program recently about the challenges of managing and leading organizations today. Some of their concerns as potential future practice owners were the very same concerns a leader of any organization might have, including:

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Does Feedback Do More Harm than Good? change coaching feedback insights mentoring mind plasticity training trust workplace Aug 12, 2022

Is “no news, good news” in the boss-employee relationship? Research shows that receiving no feedback is actually far worse from the employee’s perspective than receiving negative feedback! The rationale? Receiving negative feedback may carry a critical message,but...

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