On The Blog
How & When to Do Development Planning
In an ideal work world, managers and leaders create STRATEGIC PLANS, from those strategic plans flow the ANNUAL WORK PLANS, and from the annual work plans (group or unit level), flow INDIVIDUAL WORK PLANS.
Then, based on the work an...
I spoke with a group of residents in a large university prosthodontics program recently about the challenges of managing and leading organizations today. Some of their concerns as potential future practice owners were the very same concerns a leader of any organization might have, including:

Talking with my close friend Kathy recently, I asked about her April family vacation to the Caribbean, especially in light of the fact that she has a strong fear of flying and this was a long flight each way! Both flights were direct, meaning that...
Truth be told, it was not a private conversation. She told more than 9,000 attendees of the American Society of Training and Development just that, at the annual international conference last week in Washington, DC.
The Missing Third Leg in the Definition of Success
Fresh on the heels of the...
Is “no news, good news” in the boss-employee relationship? Research shows that receiving no feedback is actually far worse from the employee’s perspective than receiving negative feedback! The rationale? Receiving negative feedback may carry a critical message,but...
A client hired me to help shift her organizational culture from one rife with fear, threat, competition, and cynicism to one of respect, trust, and faith in leadership. Over the past year, this organization has built a campaign around “accountability” alongside a large-scale process...
I recently visited a client who is working diligently through an organization-wide performance improvement initiative which required that a set of focused workgroups be established and maintained over the life of the initiative.
These groups are intended to:
- serve as a communication vehicle for...
In visiting with various organizations, I often mention that “brain-friendly” workplaces are those where ‘real conversations’ are reported to occur. Most often, when I share this point, heads nod and eyebrows are either raised or furrowed, indicating that the idea...
Determining HOW to assess how effective your team or workgroup is, is an important first step! Whether you are forming a new group or are simply interested in evaluating an existing team’s current level of health and strength, the 3-legged stool...
Chances are good that you’re here, reading this post, because the title stirred something inside of you. You may be curious about a perspective that could help you feel better about some of your challenging work relationships. Or you may strongly disagree with me already, and are here to...
I have a short and sweet story to share with you that I have wanted to share for far too long. It is not a tale of heroing adventure, of conquering great adversity, nor of the loving kindness of another human, per se. But it could fundamentally improve your ability to find and address the right...